Summer Dust / Early Mabon bounty circle x UbikEklektik: Melike Futtu (TR), Patrycja Rup (PL), Śomi Śniegocka (PL), August 2019

Summer Dust
Early Mabon bounty circle
Creators: Melike Futtu (TR), Patrycja Rup (PL), Śomi Śniegocka (PL)

UbikEklektik Festival, August 31, 2019

Summer Dust is a ritual with the audience participation. It reflects on the rich tradition of Mabon bounty celebration and embraces its key practices and symbols. Mabon is the season of the autumnal equinox, it’s a time of thanksgiving, showing gratitude for all of the goods one has in her/his life right now. It’s a harvest time, both materially and spiritually. We want to focus on these values in performative gathering in the late summer by inviting the festival community for enhanced social and esthetic experience.

Teeth at the skin. Anticipation.
Then flesh. Grain on the tongue.
Eve's knees ground in the dirt
of paradise.

A Short History of the Apple, Dorianne Laux

We want to arrange a safe space where we will gather audience in the circle and prepare a thankful potion with wine, apples and herbs to share. Session will be accompanied by life music. We will prepare ritual tools from natural materials collected in the forest and on a meadow. Participants will be asked to close their eyes and expose themselves to the touch, sense and the smell of these natural artefacts.

And in the autumn,
When you gather the grapes of your vineyards for the winepress,
Say in your heart,
     “I too am a vineyard, and my fruit shall be gathered for the winepress,
     And like new wine I shall be kept in eternal vessels.”
     And in winter, when you draw the wine, let there be in your heart a song for each cup;
     And let there be in the song a remembrance for the autumn days, and for the vineyard, and for the winepress.

The Prophet, Kahlil Gibran

Summer Dust is a continuation of international group projects Wandering Dreamers (Kolorado Festival) and Awakening (September 4, FERi Galeria). Our pieces are strongly related to spiritual ecofeminism, love, poetry and performance art, therefore our ultimate goal is to deliver inclusive, immersive and enjoyable experiences, which will help you to reconnect with your senses, build deep understanding of nature and respectful connection with the community.