UbikEklektik: Summer Dust - The Wheel Turns with Christie Goodwin (US) & Sister Circle with Sister_riot (HU), August 2020

UbikEklektik 2020: workshops/gatherings/community art

Summer Dust - The Wheel Turns

Creators: Christie Goodwin (US), Patrycja Rup (PL)

“Without your wounds where would your power be? It is your melancholy that makes your low voice tremble into the hearts of men and women. The very angels themselves cannot persuade the wretched and blundering children on earth as can one human being broken on the wheels of living. In Love’s service, only wounded soldiers can serve.” - Thornton Wilder


Summer Dust: The Wheel Turns is the second installment of a late summer ritual of reflection and rebirth. The workshop, which includes communal celebration and creative expression, gathers from the tradition of August Eve. This is an early harvest, a time to focus on the abundance of life and preparation for the time to come. This performative gathering will focus on gratitude, even in times of loss, and hope for the season ahead. This ritual will include preparation of a summer wine potion, reflection on poetry, writing, meditation, face decorating, application of essential oils, live music, and storytelling. Throughout the workshop, we will interact with the theme of renewal, how the cycles of life break and build us in turn, and how our weakness becomes power once redeemed through spiritual rejuvenation. 


Patrycja Rup (1989) – Polish activist and art curator. Living & working in Budapest. Graduated in the Inter-Faculty Individual Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland (2015), with a major in Interactive Media and Performance. Co-founder of the Kolektyw 1a association/art house in Poznań, Poland (2011-2016). Assistant (2015-2016) and curator (2017-2018) at the Platan and Latarka Galleries in Budapest. 

Christie Goodwin is an American who has been living and teaching in Budapest for the past three years. She graduated from Grove City College, a liberal arts school in Pennsylvania, with degrees in English and education. She is an artist and writer, having taught art at Cranbrook Academy, and her essays, prose, and poetry have been published in a variety of literary magazines. Her music composition is greatly influenced by her experience with poetry, and she performs covers and her own compositions. She now teaches literature and history at Veritas Collegiate Academy, and is a guest lecturer at Eötvös Loránd University.

Sister Circle
Creators: Sister_Riot collective, Patrycja Rup (PL) 
Photography: Orsolya Varga

Sister Circle was founded in Budapest as a female gathering focused on safety of expression and collaboration of female artists and activists. During Ubikeklektik Festival the event was exceptionally opened for all participants willing to experience this unique community gathering in a frame of a small intimate closing ceremony with discussions accompanied by rituals, live music and a group massage.