Sustainability Roots Exhibition: performance Red Rebel Brigade (Extinction Rebellion Hungary), August 2020

Sustainability Roots pop-up exhibition in Közkincs Könyvtár

Organizer& Curator: Julian Willming

Date: August 27th
Location: Közkincs Könytvár
Co-Curators: Lilik Virág & Nóra Nagy
Production support: Patrycja Rup
In Collaboraton with Extinction Rebellion Magyarország // Onomono Art // Sustainable CEU

Bakonyi Zsuzsa
Daniel Bozzai
Coco Kelly
Gabi Farkas
Gisela Prokop
Andrea Diana Keresztesi
Michalina Wawrzyczek Klasik
Jila Svicevic
Extinction Rebellion Hungary: Red Rebel Brigade

The current sustainability discourse witnesses an explosion of apocalyptic scenarios, collapsing ecosystems and new temperature records, all attached to huge media attention and activists´ efforts to demand system change, not climate change. Simultaneously, proposed policy solutions such as electric cars do by no means shake up the economic and political structures they are embedded in. Instead, they reinforce our culture of bigger, more and all the time and do not dare to glance behind the climate curtain.
This is where Sustainability Roots sets its foundation. This exhibition investigates the underlying mechanisms and patterns that accelerated the climate crisis, while rising up to envision solutions that radically change the way we live, work and interact with each other. Prior to the exhibition, participating artists have joined forces in a workshop with environmentalists and activists to sharpen their idea of roots and how the identification of problems can contribute to envisioning a bright and sustainable future. The exhibition follows a similar narrative, from illuminating hidden factors of the climate crises and appraising potential solutions to finding a resilient balance of acceptance and dedication.

Red Rebel Brigade Performance 
Concept and production: Extinction Rebellion
Choreography and coordination: Patrycja Rup
Official Red Rebel Brigade website

Extinction Rebellion (XR) started in London in 2018 to demand actions to combat the ecological and climate crisis. Shortly after the first rebellion in October of 2018, the movement spread across the world, and local branches were created everywhere. As of August 2020, there are 1127 local branches in 69 countries. The group in Budapest was founded 2019 February.
XR’s methods can be more divisive and radical compared to the previous climate movements, but we don’t have time anymore for moderate activism. Art has been a huge part of XR’s identity, from bold graphics and visuals to stunning street performances. Art is a powerful tool in activism, as it can help us to spread our message in ways that haven’t been done before, and thus art and creativity helps us to reach people. Art can be unexpected, and make the people stop and listen. This is true to one of XR’s most jaw-dropping performances, the Red Rebel Brigade. The Red Rebel Brigade was devised by Doug Francisco Justine Squire from Bristol’s Invisible Circus. The performance has been a part of many street blockades and demonstrations, and it creates a great contrast between the busy and energetic protest and the solemn Red Rebels.
To quote Red Rebel Brigade symbolises the common blood we share with all species,That unifies us and makes us one.
The main themes of Sustainability Roots are roots of the problem, solution and resilience. Activism and artivism can be present in all three themes and beyond these. The role of the Red Rebel performance to “divert, distract, delight and inspire people”, and this way showing new ways to experience the exhibition and the reality of the climate crisis as well.

As such we move as one, act as one and more importantly feel as one.
We are unity and we empathise with our surroundings, we are forgiving
We are sympathetic and humble, compassionate and understanding,
We divert, distract, delight and inspire the people who watch us,
We illuminate the magic realm beneath the surface of all things and we invite people to enter in, we make a bubble and calm the storm, we are peace in the midst of war.
We are who the people have forgotten to be!

All pictures on this website: Kollab Photo.