Wandering dreamers x Kolorádó 2019: Melike Futtu (TR), Laura Ociepa (PL), Emma Fuchs Sjovall (SE), Śomi Śniegocka (PL), June 2019

Wandering dreamers x Kolorádó 2019
Spiritual ecofeminism, love, poetry and sexecology

Creators: Melike Futtu (TR), Laura Ociepa (PL), Patrycja Rup (PL), Emma Fuchs Sjovall (SE), Śomi Śniegocka (PL)
Curator: Patrycja Rup (PL)

W A N D E R I N G D R E A M E R S is an umbrella project embracing happenings and performance activities designed by female artists from Poland, Sweden and Turkey. Despite the long distances, different social and cultural backgrounds, as much as various artistic experiences, the group shares a set of values, interests and concerns, which became the foundation for these programs. Our pieces are strongly related to spiritual ecofeminism, love, poetry and sexecology, therefore our ultimate goal is to deliver inclusive, immersive and enjoyable experiences, which will help you to reconnect with your senses, build deep understanding of nature and respectful connection with the festival community.

’Love Affair’
We are longing for a deeper interaction with the nature. We want to share this affectionate moment with you and invite you to join us in a ritual: a sensuous experience of the forest, no separation, nature all around, getting it inside, soaking it through, tie it closely, rebirth with chlorophyll in the veins. “We make love with the Earth (...). We shamelessly hug trees, massage Earth with our feet, and talk erotically to the plants. We are skinny dippers, sun worshipers, and stargazers”. (Ecosex Manifesto)

‘Hums and whispers’
Follow the sound and immerse yourself in bewitching universe of stories prepared by our artists. Take part in the unique journey and let yourself be guided and blindfolded to connect with the alluring imaginarium. Participants will hear tales and instructions, based on these they will be asked to take part in varied activities and exercises in the woods.

Śomi inspired by avant-garde strategy of city drift (Guy Debord’s dérive) invites wanderers for blindfolded walks already for few years in different locations and soundscapes. Her guided blindwalks provide a truly surrealistic daydreaming experience. These performative drifts based on 1:1 experience between guest-wanderer and guide-performer, include poetry, storytelling, improvisation and deep listening.

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